500 Hour Yoga TTC
500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh
The 500-Hour Yoga Certification Course is the most intense yoga training program of Jeevatman Yogshala’s yoga teacher training programs. This intensive 2-month residential training is specially designed for dedicated yoga practitioners who wish to completely engage themselves in the vast field of yoga. This prestigious program has a holistically prepared curriculum comprising various modules. Participants learn advanced asana sequences and explore intensive philosophy workshops.

Salient features of the 500-Hour Yoga Certification Course are as follows:
Well-rounded Approach: The program has a well-rounded approach. In addition to asana, we place equal importance on anatomy, pranayama, meditation, and yoga therapy.
Live Demonstration Classes: Multiple live demonstration classes conducted every week provide hands-on experience teaching diverse community groups.
Regular Feedback: Regular feedback from mentors fine-tunes the skills of the learners.
Personal Mentoring: The small batch size (up to 15 students per batch) ensures personal attention. Guest lectures from experts further broaden perspectives
Comfortable Stay: Comfortable accommodations, nutritious vegetarian meals, and weekend excursions rejuvenate both the body and the soul.
The Sangha Spirit: A supportive sangha spirit helps you bond for life.

Highlights of Our Training Program
Mastery of All Styles: Progress through Primary Series of Ashtanga, Hatha, Aerial, Vinyasa and Yin.
Anatomy Expertise: The program allows learning about musculoskeletal and subtle body systems in detail. This is important for optimizing alignment and minimizing injury risk for all body types.
Yogic Lifestyle: It involves values like ahimsa, brahmacharya, and a proper yogic diet. Practice cleansing kriyas and establish routine through daily live-ins.
Accreditation: : Our Yoga Alliance E-RYT 500 certification is globally recognized as authorization to practice professionally. Guidance with creating successful teaching careers.
If you ask us, we will say that it is once-in-a-lifetime training. So, empower your full potential as a transformed yoga master. Apply now to reserve your place in our upcoming 500-hour batches.
A Great Life Awaits Once You Finish
Students who pass our rigorous assessments receive Yoga Alliance accredited certification. This certification allows them to teach anywhere globally. After the completion of the course, graduates turn confident to independently run residential programs worldwide. Several opt to deepen their qualifications with us, empowering hundreds more through teacher training globally.

500-Hour Yoga TTC Date & Fee – 2025/2026
Dates | Days | Years | Shared | Private | Book Slot |
01-01-2025 | 50 | 2025 | $1950 | $2299 | Apply Now |
01-02-2025 | 50 | 2025 | $1950 | $2299 | Apply Now |
01-03-2025 | 50 | 2025 | $1950 | $2299 | Apply Now |
01-04-2025 | 50 | 2025 | $1950 | $2299 | Apply Now |
01-05-2025 | 50 | 2025 | $1950 | $2299 | Apply Now |
01-06-2025 | 50 | 2025 | $1950 | $2299 | Apply Now |
01-07-2025 | 50 | 2025 | $1950 | $2299 | Apply Now |
01-08-2025 | 50 | 2025 | $1950 | $2299 | Apply Now |
01-09-2025 | 50 | 2025 | $1950 | $2299 | Apply Now |
01-10-2025 | 50 | 2025 | $1950 | $2299 | Apply Now |
01-11-2025 | 50 | 2025 | $1950 | $2299 | Apply Now |
01-12-2025 | 50 | 2025 | $1950 | $2299 | Apply Now |
01-01-2026 | 50 | 2026 | $1950 | $2299 | Apply Now |
01-02-2026 | 50 | 2026 | $1950 | $2299 | Apply Now |
01-03-2026 | 50 | 2026 | $1950 | $2299 | Apply Now |
01-04-2026 | 50 | 2026 | $1950 | $2299 | Apply Now |

RYS 500 – Yoga Alliance Certification

Students passing our intensive assessments receive Yoga Alliance accredited certification to teach anywhere globally. Jeevatman Yogshala welcomes all ambitious yoga aspirants to embark on a life-affirming 500 hour yoga TTC under the wings of our esteemed gurus in Rishikesh – the spiritual home of yoga. Allow the powerful energies to transform you physically, mentally and spiritually!

Daily Schedule – 500 Hour Yoga TTC
Time | Activity |
6:00-6:30 AM | Kriyas |
6:35-8:00 AM | Pranayama / Mantra Chanting |
8:30-10:00 AM | Hatha Class |
10:15 AM | Brunch / Free Time / Study Time |
12:15-1:00 PM | Yoga Nidra |
1:00 PM | Tea |
1:30-2:45 PM | Philosophy /Yoga Principles /Yoga Sutra Lectures |
3:00-4:00 PM | Alignment / Teaching Practice |
4:15-5:15 PM | Ashtanga Vinyasa |
5:30-6:30 PM | Anatomy |
6:30-7:30 PM | Dinner |
8:00 – 8:45 PM | Meditation |
9:00 PM | Mauna / Silence |

500 Hour Yoga Course Curriculum

Mantra Chanting
- What is Mantra
- The Importance of ‘OM’
- Power Of Mantra
- Union Mantra – Opening mantra
- Gayatri Mantra
- Mahamrityunjay Mantra
- Pavamana Mantra
- Shri Ganesha Mantra
- Patanjali Prayer
- Guru Mantra
- Ashtanga Opening Mantra
- Ashtanga Finishing Mantra

- What is pranayama
- Guidelines for doing pranayama
- Benifits & Contraindications
- Types of Breathing
- Yogic Breath
- KINDS of Pranayama
- Chandra bhedi
- Surya bhedi
- Nadi Shodhana
- Anulom Viloma Pranayama
- Dirga pranayama
- Ujjayi Breath
- Sheetali
- Seetkari
- Brahmari
- Bhastrika

- What is shatkriya
- Benefits of shatkriya
- Types of Shatkriyas –
- Neti
- Dhauti
- Nauli
- Basti
- Kapalbhati
- Trataka

Hatha Yoga
- Hatha Yoga philosophy
- Ancient texts & scriptures of hatha yoga
- Aims & Objectives of hatha yoga
- Asanas
- Pavan Muktasana- 1
- Pavan Muktasana- 2
- Hatha Surya Namaskar (Sun salutation)
- Standing Postures
- Kneeling Postures
- Sitting Postures
- Forward Fold
- Postures
- Backbend Postures
- Supine Postures
- Prone Postures
- Inversion Postures
- Relaxing Postures

- What is Meditation
- Benefits of Meditation
- Different kinds of meditation
- Obstacles on the path of Meditation
- Active Meditation
- Passive Meditation
- Aim and Objective of Meditation

Yoga Philosophy
- What is Yoga
- History of Yoga
- Types of Yoga
- Introduction to Patanjali
- Yoga Sutra
- Yogic Lifestyle
- Four Traditional paths of Yoga
- Eight Limbs Of Yoga
- Five States of Mind
- Four Aspects Of the mind
- Introduction to Bhagvad Gita

Anatomy & Physiology
- Introduction
- Muscular System
- Skeletal System
- Respiratory System
- Digestive Sysytem
- Nervous System
- Bones of the Skull
- Cervical Vertebrae
- Shoulder Girdle/ Arm
- Bones/ Pelvic Region
- Deformities of the Spine
- Postural imbalances
- Joints and Range of Motion

Adjustment & Alignment
- The sequence of yoga asana and posture
- How to give instructions
- Benefits of a yoga posture
- Anatomy of a yoga posture
- Role of adjustments in a class
- Contra-indications of a yoga posture
- How to make adjustments in a class
- Art of touch
- Mechanics of adjustments
- How to use a prop

Ashtanga Yoga Theory & Asana
Introduction | History | Eight Limbs of Yoga | Bandhas | Drishti | Ujjayi breath

Standing Poses
1. Padangusth asana – Big toes pose
2. Padahast asana – Hand to foot pose
3. Uthita trikonasana- Extended triangle pose
4. Parivrita trikonasana- revolve triangle
5. Uthita parsvakon asana- Extended side angle pose
6. Parivrita parsvakon asana- Revolve side angle pose
7. Parsarita padottan asana A,B,C,D- wide-legged forward bend
8. Parsvottan asana- Intense side stretch pose
9. Uthita hasta padangusth asana A,B,C,D – Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose
10. Ardha baddha padmottan asana- Half Bound Lotus Standing Forward Bend

Sitting Poses
14. Dandasna – staff pose
15. Paschimottanasana A,B,C- seated forward bend
16. Purvottan asana- upward plank pose
17. Ardha baddha Padma Paschimottanasana- SEATED BOUND HALF LOTUS
18. Tringa mukha ek paad Paschimottanasana- Three-Limbed Forward Bend
19. Janu Sirsasana A,B,C- Head to knee pose
20. Marichya asanaA,B,C,D- sage pose
21. Navasana – boat pose
22. Bhujapidasana- shoulder pressing pose
23. Kurmasana – tortoise pose
24. Supta kurmasana – sleeping tortoise
25. Garbha pindasana – Embryo Pose
26. Kukkut asana -Cockerel Pose
27. Baddha kon asana A,B- bound angle pose
28. Upavista konasana A,B- wide angle seated forward bend
29. Supta konasana- Reclining Angle Pose
30. Supta hasta padangusth asana A,B,C- reclined hand to big toe pose

Finishing Poses
31. Ubhaya padangusth asana- double hold toe pose
32. Urdhva mukha Paschimottanasana – Upward Facing Intense West Stretch
33. Setu bandhasana- Bridge pose
34. Urdhva dhanurasana – upward bow pose
35. Paschimottanasana – seated forward bend pose
36. Salamba Sarvangasana – shoulder stand
37. Halasana- plough pose
38. Karnpidasana- ear pressure pose
39. Urdhva Padmasana – upward lotus pose
40. Pindasna – Embryo pose
41. Matsyasana – fish pose
42. Uttan padasana – the raised leg pose
43. Sirsasana A,B- head stand
44. Yog Mundra asana- psychic union pose
45. Padmasana – lotus pose
46. Tolasana – scale pose
47. Savasana- corpse pose

Takeaway Benefits to Share with the World
As a graduate, you become certified under Yoga Alliance to conduct Hatha & Ashtanga yoga programs at studios and wellness centers around the world, equipped to transform lives holistically.
Join our mission to spread yoga’s limitless healing powers globally – enroll for the 500 hour transformational Hatha & Ashtanga yoga training at Jeevatman Yogshala Rishikesh!

How to reach Rishikesh India?
By Air
Nearest Airport TO Rishikesh is “Jolly Grant Airport Dehradun”. We provide paid pick up service from our nearest Airport. If you are landing at Delhi airport, then we recommend you to book a domestic flight from Delhi Airport to Dehradun Airport.
By Rail
Nearest Railway Station: Haridwar Railway Station.
By Road
Nearest Bus Station: Rishikesh Bus Station Road: Approx. 270 Kilometres from DELHI.
What does the course fees include?
- 2 Months Accommodation
- Daily vegetarian meals and herbal tea
- Course materials (Manual, yoga mat, cleansing kit)
- Sightseeing

Reconnect with Your Inner Self
Yoga reduces anxiety and restore a person’s sense of purpose. By practicing yoga, meditation and consuming sattvic food, individuals can relax and nourish their body, thereby promoting an environment conducive to deep introspection.
Our experienced teachers provide you with sensitive guidance, helping you find a clear direction in life. We run 7-to-28-day Hatha, Ashtanga and Vinyasa Yoga programs complemented by:
- Pranayama and Kriya techniques.
- Yoga Nidra.
- Mantra chanting and yoga philosophy.
- Nature walks, and sightseeing tours.

Our Yoga Teachers

Swami Amarna
Meditation Fecilitator

Anant Ji
Anatomy & Pranayama

Priya Negi
Alignment and Adjustment

Ayushi Desai
Sound Healer

Prashant Negi
Ashtanga & Aerial Teacher

Sachin Dhoundiyal
Hatha Yoga Teacher

Customize Your Yoga Journey
Jeevatman Yogshala offers flexible yoga practices tailored to individual requirements:
- Asana styles: Hatha, Ashtanga, Aerial and Vinyasa Flow
- Complementing wellness modules: pranayama, meditation, mantras
- Comfortable stays and healthy food choices
- Add-on healing sessions and sightseeing trips

Enquire Now
Get Your Yoga Alliance Certification today!

Certified Yoga Teacher Trainings Courses